Delta Steam Systems
Delta Steam Systems sells industry best Steam Traps that work on the principle of downstream flash steam to self-regulate the upstream condensate flow and allow condensate to be removed and keep the steam in the system. Conventional mechanical steam traps all use some form of mechanical system to open and close. Some use an inverted bucket or a ball or bimetallic element or discs or thermostatic elements but they all use some form of moving part that allows the valve to open and close.
Because these conventional steam traps have mechanical parts, these valves open and close hundreds of times a day, thousands of times a month and millions of times a year. After a period of time, these moving parts start to wear out and eventually they will break and then the conventional mechanical steam traps will start to leak large amounts of steam, which is both expensive and causes unnecessary pollution. Delta steam traps are guaranteed for 20 years against failure and are more reliable than any conventional steam trap in the market.
- Business Address 11 Rivers Edge Business Park, Winelands Cl, Stikland, Cape Town, Western Cape 7530
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